Your Labor, Your Delivery, Your Story!

Why Birth Photography?

I could write pages upon pages about why you SHOULD want Birth Photography. Here’s the biggest reason….Uncrustables! Stick with me here. My birth story stinks. If I’m honest, I’m still grieving the “normal” pregnancy and delivery that I longed for. Nothing went even close to the way that I wanted it to. I’m realistic, so I knew that it probably wouldn’t, and in the end, we were all healthy, and able to be together, so I know that I should be grateful, and I am, but there is still a huge part of me that is sad.

I’m sad my girls didn’t get to cook a little longer. I’m sad that my friend, who was also my OB and the Doctor that I worked with was not able to be there to help me bring my babies into this world. I’m sad that I had to deliver in the OR where it was cold and sterile. I’m sad that aside from the one fleeting moment that I touched my daughter’s head before she was delivered, I didn’t get to touch either of my babies until they were already in an isolette and on their way in an ambulance to a higher level NICU. I’m sad that my husband and I never got to hold our babies for many hours after they were born. I’m sad that my breastfeeding journey was so heavily negatively impacted by healthcare staff. I’m sad that I am a nurse, and I was still not able to advocate for myself.

I’m sad that I only have one picture of myself during the entire labor and delivery process….me eating an uncrustable….taken on my husband’s cell phone. It’s terrible…..and it’s all that I have from the most important day in my life. I don’t want that to happen to anyone else. Even if their story isn’t what they wanted, or what they expected….I want them to have more than a photo of them eating an uncrustable.

I’ve read many stories from fellow Birth Photographers and people who have chosen to hire a Birth Photographer, and the moments that have lead them to Birth Photography, and I can’t help but notice that SO many of the reasons are related to FEELINGS. Some FEEL unseen and unrepresented. Some have FELT unheard when their birth plans were disregarded. Some have FELT traumatized by an unexpected experience during their own delivery.

We can see many things. I can see blood. I can see a belly…a breast…a placenta…a baby. But what sticks with me every single time is how I FEEL. How I connect with what I am seeing. How it makes me FEEL connected with the person I am seeing on the screen. There are many moments that define us as human; many moments that can change your life. Creating life. Bringing another life, or lives, into this world. Feeling the power of a contraction; the strength and determination it takes to give everything you have and more to bring a baby into the world. Feeling a deep connection and love for this little being that you’ve never even met. Feeling a closeness to your partner/family that you didn’t even know was possible. THIS is what I want to capture.

I don’t want to just take pictures. I want to help you remember these moments. I want you to connect with it in a way you didn’t know was possible. I want you to FEEL it. I want you to be swept away. I want it to help you to remember a moment that you may have quickly forgotten about in the rush and excitement of welcoming a baby. I want to show you how strong you were when you didn’t even realize it.

Birth is NORMAL. I’ll say it again…..Birth is NORMAL. Vulvas. Breasts. Placentas. Blood. Pain. Tears. Happiness. Fear. Strength. All of this is normal. I always feel a little disappointed when I mention that I specialize in Birth Photography, and I’m met with a response like, “It’s weird to me, but if you like it” or “I would never want to see those kinds of pictures of myself”, or “Why would you want to see that?” My question is…..why WOULDN’T you??? Our bodies are not some “naughty” thing that should be off limits. The ability to grow another human being is incredible. The ability to go through the pain of childbirth, and the strength that it takes to survive that are incredible. The things that our bodies are capable of are amazing.

For so many years, the entire process of giving birth has been off limits—something that people don’t often discuss. It’s not. It’s one of the most natural things that we can do as people. I want to help normalize that. To help to take away the stigma surrounding labor and delivery, and the human body. To help people see it as normal and beautiful: a display of strength, grace, and beauty. Not something to be hidden away or something to be ashamed or embarrassed of.

What is included? What can I expect?

  • Birth Photography Consultation-let’s grab some coffee (or tea or ice cream) and talk about what YOU want!
  • I will be on call and available 24/7 from 38 weeks to 42 weeks gestation.
  • Unlimited coverage of your labor starting at 6cm (or active labor).
  • Two hours of photography during the post delivery time to capture all of those special first moments including the newborn exam, first latch, etc.
  • Sneak peek with 3-4 images digitally sent to you to share with family and friends.
  • Digital Access to your own personalized gallery.
  • Print Release so that you can choose your favorite printer so you can choose how you would like to share your photos.


*If you would like to upgrade any of the packages to include additional sessions, this may be done by taking a 15% discount off of the additional session price. **Payment plans can be discussed if needed.